Cleveland State University
Founded in 1964, Cleveland State University is a public research institution with 17,000-plus students, 10 colleges and schools and more than 175 academic programs.
According to the Brookings Institution, CSU is No. 18 in the U.S. among public universities that fulfill a critical dual mission: providing upward mobility and conducting impactful research. CSU is the only Ohio university in the top tier of the Brookings list.
Partnerships/Collaborations: More then 250, including the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland Metropolitan School District, City of Cleveland, NASA Glenn Research Center, business/industry, federal government, other higher education institutions and more
Academic Organization:
Eight colleges:
•Education and Human Services
•Graduate Studies
•Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
•Sciences and Health Profession
•Urban Affairs
The Division of Continuing Education offers noncredit courses to thousands of students each year. Project 60 offers free classes to senior citizens.
Academic Programs: More than 1,000 courses support 200 major fields of study at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as professional certificate and continuing education programs. The University also offers an Honors Program to academically talented and highly motivated students.
Athletics: NCAA Division I. Men’s basketball, fencing, golf, soccer, swimming, wrestling, tennis and lacrosse. Women’s basketball, cross-country, fencing, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, volleyball and golf. Colors: Forest green and white. Nickname: Vikings. Affiliations: Horizon League and Eastern Wrestling League.
Student Activities: Student Government Association, Student Bar Association, Campus Activities Board, student-run radio station (WCSB-FM), three student newspapers (The Cleveland Stater, The Cauldron and The Vindicator), Whiskey Island literary magazine, The Gavel law school publication, four fraternities, four sororities and approximately 200 student honorary, professional, cultural and social organizations.