Edgewood College

About Edgewood College
Since 1927, students have enjoyed this comfortable and friendly campus, and the relationships created here. By attending an independent liberal arts college in Madison, Wisconsin, you too will enjoy great opportunities for learning in and out of the classroom, and make the connections we all need for a great career, and a lifetime of learning.
As a Catholic college in the Dominican tradition, we are committed above all to the lifelong search for truth. All of us -- students, faculty and staff of all nationalities and backgrounds, regardless of our personal spiritual beliefs -- are partners in the pursuit of a just and compassionate world.
When you visit, you’ll discover a campus community where full-time undergraduate students, adult students completing their degrees, and graduate students enjoy challenging and engaging educational experiences. We continue to introduce new academic programs that help prepare for an increasingly dynamic world, and we’ve added online programs that maintain and enhance the quality you expect.
For more than ninety years, we've put our students first in everything we do. We invite you to explore the College, and discover a place where students connect learning, beliefs and action.
Division for Student Development
The Division of Student Development is here to assist you as you pursue success as a student. With a focus on our core values - truth, justice, community, compassion, and partnership -we are a dedicated team of student affairs professionals here to stand beside you as you navigate the college experience.